Tips When Downsizing When Moving House

Moving house can be a stressful time. There’s packing to do, moving, unpacking and the endless cleaning process… It’s enough to make you want to tear your hair out. Even more so if you need to consider downsizing, and choose which items to keep and get rid of to ensure you fit into your new property.

If you’re moving from a large home to a smaller one, or simply want to declutter as you move from one house to another, downsizing can seem like an impossible task. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Read on for our best tips on how to downsize your belongings.

Make a list

The first step to any moving or downsizing process is to take inventory of what you have. Go through each room of your house and make a list of everything that you want to take with you. Once you’ve got your list, sit down and take a good look at it. Is there anything on there that you can’t live without? Are any pieces of furniture that are going to be too big for your new place? Be ruthless in your culling process – the fewer things you need to move the better.

Purge your belongings – Get Rid of Anything You Don’t Need or Use

Start getting rid of your belongings ahead of time. Getting rid of the physical things in your life that you don’t need or use when you move. Consider things like draws full of clutter, the wardrobe overflowing with clothes that never get worn or even the garage packed to the brim with things you don’t even remember buying. It’s time to clear it all out. Not only will it declutter your space until you move, but it’ll certainly make things easier when you move into your new property.

Consider Donating or Selling

If you are in the process of going through your belongings and deciding what you don’t need, then consider donating or selling possessions rather than taking them to the tip. Donating items to charity shops, or selling them online or through a local market is a great way to get rid of unwanted items while also helping others. It might help you generate a bit of extra cash in the process, too.

Pack Smartly – Use Small Boxes and Pack Heavier Items on the Bottom

Moving is often cited as one of the most stressful life events. Between finding a new place to live, packing up all your belongings, and saying goodbye to your old home, it’s no wonder that people dread the process. But there are ways to make moving less of a hassle, and one of the simplest is to pack smart.

For example, using small boxes will not only save you money on shipping, but it will also make the boxes easier to carry and fit into your new space. And when it comes to packing those boxes, be sure to put the heavier items on the bottom and use lighter items, such as pillows and blankets, to fill any empty spaces. By following these simple tips, you can help make your next move a little bit easier.

Label Everything Clearly so You Know Where it Goes When you Unpack

Moving is a pain, there are no two ways about it. But one of the worst parts is trying to figure out where everything goes when you unpack. To avoid this, label everything clearly before you start packing up boxes. That way, when you’re ready to unpack, you’ll know exactly where everything goes. And if you’re really feeling ambitious, you can even colour-code your labels so you can tell at a glance which box contains what. Trust us, it’ll save you a lot of headaches in the long run. So the next time you move, make sure to label everything clearly. Your future self will thank you for it.

Consider Storage

Storage, often offered by most removal companies, is a useful way to store items that won’t fit into your new property, especially if you don’t have time to sell or donate them before the date of your move. Alternatively, if you feel like taking a risk, trying to fit large items of furniture into your new smaller property before deciding to get rid of them might be an option. However, if you do find that they don’t fit then storage is the best option until you’re able to sell them.

Use Furniture Wisely – Try to Use Pieces that Have Multiple Purposes

No home is complete without furniture. It’s essential for both function and style. But if you’re not careful, furniture can quickly start to take over your home. That’s why it’s important to use pieces that serve multiple purposes. A coffee table, for instance, can also double as a storage ottoman. A couch can provide a comfortable place to watch TV or take a nap, and it can also serve as a guest bed. When it comes to furnishing your home, think outside the box and look for pieces that will help you make the most of your space.


Even if you’re not moving anytime soon, it’s always good to declutter your space and get rid of anything you don’t need. You can use the opportunity to make some extra money by selling things you don’t want anymore or donating them to those in need. When packing up your belongings, be sure to pack smartly by using small boxes and labelling everything clearly. And finally, take your time packing – there’s no rush! The most important thing is that everything arrives safely at its new home. If you need more advice when moving house, contact us today and we’d be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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